Steve Jobs was my idol, not because he created iPhone or iPad, but because he said this:
Steve Jobs był moim idolem nie dlatego, że stworzył iPhona czy iPada, ale dlatego, że powiedział to:
Polish: "Wasz czas jest ograniczony, więc nie zmarnujcie go, żyjąc cudzym życiem. Nie wpadajcie w pułapkę dogmatów, żyjąc poglądami innych ludzi. Nie pozwólcie, żeby hałas cudzych opinii zagłuszył wasz własny wewnętrzny głos. I najważniejsze – miejcie odwagę kierować się sercem i intuicją. One w jakiś sposób wiedzą, kim naprawdę chcecie być. Wszystko inne jest drugorzędne". (Steve Jobs, 1955-2011)
A very nice and touching thoughtful commemoration for Steve Jobss. And an inspiring quotation to cherisch. Good luck with following your heart and intuition!
A thoughtful hommage to a great man.
I was telling on Veronika's blog, how much this man was an inpiration ... these words tells the matter, everyday I try to follow my heart and my intuition ... Steve Jobs tells us to choose love not fear.
I feel so sad!
was certainly a wise man. left us a piece for his wisdom.
like he said. He used his time. Let in this 'discipline' will be an authority for us.
My husband (who's a huge Steve and Apple fan) and I have been mulling over Steve's philosophies for the last few days, so I feel your loss! We especially want to try and live by his advice to live each day as if it were your last. If you wake up each day and think do I want to be doing this--and the answer is often no, it means you're doing something wrong.
Lovely graphic tribute.
Steve Jobs certainly was a visionary and a very wise man. He was inspiration to all.
A great quote to post.
it's a huge loss. xx
I couldn't agree with you more!
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog, I like your drawings!
beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. and wonderful words for all of us to live by...
xo sandra
What a great quote, indeed. Thankfully he never tried to be anyone else. The world has lost a true visionary.
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