Collage: images from Self Service Magazine and Peppe Tortora
I have been wondering whether the time is running quickly also for you? Not long ago we had summer holidays and now it is already October! Yesterday I bought a diary planner for 2012 and... I took the last one from the shelf. It's crazy....
Time is passing by relentlessly and all that is good ends too quickly. Two days ago it took me something like half an hour to draw the Daphne's portrait but I must admit that I am quite satisfied with the effect:) I hope you like it:)
Tak się zastanawiam, czy Wam też czas ucieka tak samo szybko jak mi? Niedawno były wakacje, a już mamy październik! Wczoraj kupiłam kalendarz na 2012 rok i… wzięłam ostatni egzemplarz z półki. To jakieś szaleństwo…
Czas mija nieubłaganie, a to co dobre za szybko się kończy. Dwa dni temu narysowanie tego portretu Daphne zajęło mi jakieś pół godziny, ale muszę przyznać, że nawet, nawet jestem zadowolona z efektu:) Mam nadzieję, że Wam się spodoba:)
And this is the diary planner that I bought. Its author is Simon Tofield, an English graphic artist and a film director.
A oto kalendarz, który kupiłam. Jego autorem jest Simon Tofield, angielski rysownik i reżyser.
I love Simon's cat and your Daphne is looking gorgeous! :)
Veronika (
thank you so much Veronika! I'm very glad that you liked my drawing:)
wow you draw so gooooog! and the diary is so cute!
come enter my sigma giveaway!
Love the portrait Flara, watermelons, ya!
I love her:)and your illustration is wonderful!!!cute watermelon dress♥
Lovely illustrations! I also love the blue nailpolish!! That is an awesome nail color.
I agree with you, I don't even know where the time is going! It goes soo fast!
xoxo Denise
Beautiful portrait, love it! That planner looks so sweet and fun, I always leave it to the last minute to buy mine...i.e. the new year ;-) xo
Time is really flying fast, I can't believe we are already in the first couple of weeks of October!
Love your drawing with the watermelon top-wow!
xo Cara
Woow gorgeous illustrations!!!!
- Melody - I'll check your giveaway for sure, thanks for the kind words:)
- Katie, Yuma - I love watermelons, so I painted this pattern:)thanks girls!! xoxo
- Denise - I'm glad that you pay attention to the nails:) I really like the blue nailpolish, xx
- Mademoiselle Poirot - I always bought a planner at the last moment, but this year I fell in love with this diary. thank you so much:)
- Cara - October really surprised me ... Thanks for the sweet comment:) xoxo
- Mitica - Thank you very much for sopping by:) xx
You are a phenonomal arteest!!! Love your blog <3
xo Karisa
Beautiful drawing, and thanks for sharing hat diary, I love Simon's Cat, but didn't know they did diaries!!
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