If you like the films like „The Notebook”, „Love and other drugs”, „A walk to remember” or “En Education”, that is generally trashy novels with a moral in the background:), you must see "One day" made on the basis of David Nicholls' book.
Jeśli podobają Wam się filmy typu: „The Notebook”, „Love and other drugs”, „A walk to remember” lub “En Education”, czyli generalnie romansidła z morałem w tle:), to koniecznie musicie zobaczyć „One Day” nakręcony na podstawie książki Davida Nichollsa.
It is a story about two people: Emma and Dexter, told from the perspective of 20 years. At the beginning of the film the characters are 23 years old and just graduate from the university. She is a good student, with a diplomma with distinction and wants the change the world for the better. He is nonchalant, self-sure, rich and handsome boy from the upper classes, without specific plans for the life. We see them every year, on the same day - 15 July - for 20 years. We observe changes of their opinions, personality, and the social changes in the world. Also, the change of their relationship - the initial friendship obviously grows into love. The story similar to "When Harry met Sally" but not quite the same...
Via: We Heart It
Jest to historia dwojga ludzi: Emmy i Dextera opowiedziana z perspektywy 20 lat. Na początku filmu bohaterowie mają po 23 lata i kończą studia. Ona jest wzorową studentką, z dyplomem z wyróżnieniem w kieszeni i chęcią zmiany świata na lepsze. On nonszalanckim, pewnym siebie, bogatym i przystojnym chłopakiem z wyższych sfer, bez sprecyzowanych planów na życie. Przez 20 lat widzimy ich co roku, tego samego dnia – 15 lipca. Obserwujemy zmiany ich poglądów, osobowości, zmiany społeczne zachodzące w świecie. A także zmiany relacji bohaterów – początkowa przyjaźń przeradza się oczywiście w miłość. Historia ala „Kiedy Harry poznał Sally”, lecz nie do końca…
Via: We Heart It
The director of "One day", Lone Scherfig says the although the film message may seem trivial (enjoy each day because time passes by unevitably; do not search happiness far away), the message is so univesal that everyone can find there something for himself.
I have found my new favourite actor in this film: Jim Sturgess:) (previously this was Ryan Gosling). And you?:) x
Reżyser „One Day”, Lone Scherfig mówi, że chociaż przesłanie filmu może się wydawać banalne (ciesz się każdym dniem, bo czas nieubłaganie ucieka; nie szukaj szczęścia daleko), to jest to przekaz na tyle uniwersalny, że każdy znajdzie w nim coś dla siebie.
Ja w tym filmie znalazłam mojego nowego, ulubionego aktora: Jima Sturgessa:) (dotychczas był nim Ryan Gosling). A Wy?:) x
Lovely sketch Flara! Confident figure drawing and nice subtle colours and highlights (glasses and lips) to give it a special mood! Very well done!
Such an amazing drawing!! Love it so much :) xo akiko
Style Imported
wonderful work! I like how natural the girl's smile looks and her glasses are sooo cool! :)
Great work! That's some fabulous hair oh my!! The cloud is super cute.
very well done; this is a favourite...
xo sandra
Ahh this is all i want for my holidays.. a beach and a guy laying next to me. I´ll ask santa for the guy and i´ll pay my ticket to the beach! hahahah
As always..great work!
You are a huge talent my dear!
Beautiful my dear, as usual! ;)
Need to go and see this, love your drawing though, Anne Hathaway is one of my faves!
xo Cara
Love it, precious pic :D !!
Sweet drawing, lovely color scheme.
Love Anne Hathaway, too, so this is a must see, soon.
OMG ilov it!!!
your illustration its amazing too!!
:::Fashion Design & Illustration:::
So in love with your drawings!! So beautiful.
<3 Marina
Loved this story!
Watched this film very liked it!
Cool illustration!
Very similar)
I've seen it too. It's both romantic and tragic.
Thanks a lot guys:)
- Cecily - hehe, I want exactly the same:)
Very involving but shocking movie and in my opinion not apropriate for those who are in a good mood.It can ruin your optimism and make you feel sad, however you will draw some interesting conlusions after a while.
So watch it, but be prepared for tears and kind of a dismay.
I wanted to see "One Day" but I couldn't get my husband to go with me so I never did. :(
Oh and your illustrations are great! I am going to FIT right now and I have been practicing and drawing a lot as well so I can appreciate good art! :)
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